Matric Based Induction In Pakistan Air Force-An Overview

Pakistan Air Force typically inducts Airmen on a matriculation basis thrice a year, and these Airmen are of various types according to their specific domains.

Two types of Domains are available in the Pakistan Air Force for Airmen Induction, and these are:


This domain involves all the technical and non-technical trades like Avionics (Air), Avionics(Ground), Weapons, Engine Mechanics, Electromechanics, Air Frame Mechanics, Electro-optics, IT assistants, etc. These Trades are allocated based on Initial+PTTS Training Performance.

So, if a person applies for aero trades, he will have the chance to join the trades mentioned above according to his performance in the respective tests.


It mainly includes the non-technical trades, and the applicants applying for this supporting trade do not have the chance to join the technical trades, and they are bound to join the non-technical trades as Airmen/Airwomen. This mainly includes the Ground Combatiers, Mechanical Transport Drivers (MTD), and Female Medical Assistants (FMA).

So, female candidates are also eligible to apply for the Pakistan Air Force as Female Medical Assistants on a matriculation basis.

All trades mentioned above have specific criteria for each trade and a particular duration of time of training.

Please click here to check the Eligibility Criteria for the trades mentioned above.

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