Course Details-An Overview

The Pakistan Army stands among the best military forces in the world, and every youngster dreams of being a part of this prestigious institution. So, in this Course Details Overview, we will clarify how many ways there are to join the Pakistan Armed Forces.

Pakistan Navy

Pakistan Navy mainly recruits youngsters after Matriculation and intermediate, and some seats are available after graduation. The induction for matric and intermediate passed students is carried out every year, while for some seats after graduation, induction is subjected to the demand in the respective domain.

Pakistan Army

Similar is the case for the Pakistan Army, which recruits youngsters after Matriculation and intermediate, and seats are available after graduation. However, their specific field or branch is not confirmed as it relies on demand.

Pakistan Airforce

Pakistan Airforce also recruits youngsters after Matriculation and intermediate, and some seats after graduation are also available for males and females subjected to specific domains. Pakistan Air Force also encourages female candidates to apply for flying officer once a year through their General Duty Pilot (GDP) Course.


Females are not inducted in either of the three forces in Fighting Arms. Females are allowed to join the armed forces by joining the supporting arm. We will discuss every course in detail.

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